Data Sharing Policy:
Please read the data sharing policy in PDF and the Ft. Lauderdale Data Sharing Agreement.
The 1001 Arabidopsis Genomes project has released data in a pre-publication format
from the Salk Institute, WTCHG, MPI, and GMI. This is provided freely to be used by
anyone, but the 1001 Arabidopsis Genomes consortium have requested that the
scientific ethics of other groups publishing on this pre-publication data are
respected. This is outlined in detail in the Fort Lauderdale agreement; in brief,
small scale analysis, eg, the analysis of a single locus is an expected use of the
data which can be published on without any expectation of coordination. In contrast,
large scale, genomewide analysis is expected to be either coordinated with the 1001
Arabidopsis Genomes consortium in some manner or published after initial papers.
More details on the reasoning for this and details are given in the Fort Lauderdale
Data Dowloading Readme:
Please read the README.
Genomes Finished :
Data Download: