Chromosome 1 YAC data
The following data are presented in approximate order of the probes on the genetic map(s). The position of probes mapped on the Lister-Dean RI lines is in parenthesis after the probe name. If you are using Netscape, you can use the "Find" button to locate probes and/or YACs after opening one of the files below. If you plan on doing extensive searching, it would be wise to use Netscape's "Save as" feature to capture the complete contig file called "chr1YAC-BAC-ctgs-all.html". You can open and search this tab delimited file locally using Microsoft Excel.
The current version of the YAC contig map includes data from BAC contigs that joins YAC contigs. The table contains a subset of the BAC data necessary to join YAC contigs. The BAC contig data is a compilation of data from the ATGC at UPenn and Dr. Thomas Altmann's group at the IGF. BAC clones are derived from the IGF BAC library and are designated by a "F" at the beginning of the clone name. There is no size information presented in the table for individual BAC clones.
Updated 8/98
If you have any comments, please contact the
ATGC at U.Penn .