The complete TAMU Arabidopsis library (all BAC clones begining with a 'T') is composed of ~12,000 clones arranged in a set of thirty-two 384-well microtiter plates. Individual clones are available from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
Inconsistent Plate Numbering in the TAMU BAC Library
It has come to our attention that number and order of 384-well
source plates for the TAMU BAC library differs among users. ATGC uses a
library composed of clones arrayed in 32 384-well plates. The first
11 of these plates were received in the autumn of 1996, and a subsequent
21 plates were received in the spring of 1997. Other users, most notably the Ohio State Stock Center, have a 33 plate library. Most unfortunately, their additional plate is between our installments of plates 1-11 and plates 12-32.
This is causing major problems for researchers trying to duplicate
or utilize results from the different groups. Until the Arabidopsis TAMU BAC users adopt a standard nomenclature, the corresponce between our copy of the library and the 33 plate library is as follows:
ATGC | 33 plate library |
TAMU 1 | TAMU 1 |
TAMU 2 | TAMU 2 |
TAMU 3 | TAMU 3 |
TAMU 4 | TAMU 4 |
TAMU 5 | TAMU 5 |
TAMU 6 | TAMU 6 |
TAMU 7 | TAMU 7 |
TAMU 8 | TAMU 8 |
TAMU 9 | TAMU 9 |
TAMU 10 | TAMU 10 |
TAMU 11 | TAMU 11 |
TAMU 12 | TAMU 13 |
TAMU 13 | TAMU 14 |
TAMU 14 | TAMU 15 |
TAMU 15 | TAMU 16 |
TAMU 16 | TAMU 17 |
TAMU 17 | TAMU 18 |
TAMU 18 | TAMU 19 |
TAMU 19 | TAMU 20 |
TAMU 20 | TAMU 21 |
TAMU 21 | TAMU 22 |
TAMU 22 | TAMU 23 |
TAMU 23 | TAMU 24 |
TAMU 24 | TAMU 25 |
TAMU 25 | TAMU 26 |
TAMU 26 | TAMU 27 |
TAMU 27 | TAMU 28 |
TAMU 28 | TAMU 29 |
TAMU 29 | TAMU 30 |
TAMU 30 | TAMU 31 |
TAMU 31 | TAMU 32 |
TAMU 32 | TAMU 33 |
Last Updated: 6/7/97 c