Legend for ATGC BAC contigs For every region where we are building contigs, there are two files. One shows the interpretation based on the hybridization experiments conducted against the TAMU library, and the second shows the interpretation for the IGF library.

The third or fourth column shows the BAC clones in the contig. The clone names are in bold.

All other columns summarize hybridization experiments. By choosing a clone name, and looking to the left and right along that row, one can see what probes hit that clone.

To the left of the clone column are the results of experiments with genetically mapped markers. Clones cross-hybridizing to common "repeat classes" are also summarized on the left, where the name of the repeat class is shown beside the name of the clone.

To the right of BAC clone column are the results with large insert DNA probes. These can be YACs (CIC or yUP), BACs ("T" for TAMU, "F" for IGF), YAC-ends ("LE" or "RE"), or BAC-ends ("Sp6" or "T7"). Any BAC probes shown in bold represent BAC clones selected for genome sequencing by the SPP consortium.

The probe name may be followed or preceeded by various indicators:
- a ? following the probe name indicates that the signal against that clone was not of high quality
- an "a", "b", "c" following a probe name, alone or in combination, indicates that the experiment was repeated
- an "i", "ii", or "iii" following a probe name indicates that the probe hits BAC clones in two disparate contig assemblies
- an "x" preceeding a probe name indicates that this was unlikely to be the probe we thought it was
- "fp" after a probe indicates that a Southern blot of a restriction digest was hybridized.